Monday, April 15, 2024

Blog 4.1: Field Experience/Reflection - Days 1-2

    Day 1: March 14th, first time observing the middle school, I got assigned to Mrs. Meads class. She is a 6th grade science teacher. They have been working on projects about plant and animal cells. They had to build a cell replica using materials found at home. There were eight groups of 2 and one group of 3. The set up she had in her room was nice for a presentation day. The tables were boxing in the middle of the room with the chairs in the middle. All of their presentations lasted almost the whole class period. After their presentations, Mrs. Mead sent everyone outside to have a brain break and to get fresh air. The students being so respectful to her and to each other made me think a little harder about becoming a teacher in my future. My first day observing seemed to be a success. Mrs. Mead enjoyed to have a "student teacher" in the class so i can help keep the students calm.

    Day 2: March 28th, everyone was moved on from the presentations and plant and animal cells. The tables were back to normal in their pair pod pattern. I was seated at a lab table on the side of the room by the entry door. All of the students sat silent while Mrs. Mead taught them about their new subject, genetics. The internet in the middle school went down and they could not start on their online assignment, so they went over their lesson for the following week. Mrs. Mead always has a backup plan for when the internet happens to shut down like it did. She is always prepared and is quite organized when it comes to her students. Saying again, the students being respectful towards their classmates and their teacher makes me think more about being a teacher and why it would not be such a bad idea, afterall. My second day observing was another success knowing that the students can be respectful to their teacher.

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Blog 4.2: Field Experience/Reflection - Days 3-4

     Day 3:  April 2nd, the students picked up a bellwork sheet and a "word of the day" sheet off of the front desk and started wo...